A Weapon Against the West: Antisemitism and its anti-American Objectives

On July 22, 2024, the Vandenberg Coalition convened leading experts to highlight the relationship between anti-Americanism and antisemitism, showing how the toxic spread of antisemitism is part of a larger effort—spurred on by America’s adversaries—to undermine U.S. national security interests and values, sow distrust among our citizens, and ultimately chip away at the very foundation of the United States.

On the heels of the 30th anniversary of the AMIA bombing—which prior to October 7 was the largest single slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust—Senior Advisor at the U.S. Department of State Ludovic Hood, senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) Behnam Ben Taleblu, co-founder of Horizon Advisory Emily de La Bruyère, and senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund Bret Schafer, discussed how our adversaries are exploiting the Israel-Hamas war to spread anti-American and anti-Western propaganda, the role antisemitism plays in this strategy, how antisemitism serves as a canary in the coal mine of cultural rot, and how we can inoculate ourselves against this foreign-inspired hatred. A transcript of Ludovic Hood’s keynote remarks is available here.