The Vandenberg Coalition

We are a non-partisan network of foreign policy scholars and practitioners who believe in the power of American leadership to protect American national security.

Who We Are

The Vandenberg Coalition is a non-partisan network of foreign policy leaders, both experts and practitioners, advancing the position that the national security, prosperity, and freedom of the United States require a strong and proud foreign policy.

The Coalition aims to ensure that elected officials, candidates for government office, and the press have a common, credible and fact-based source of information on defense and foreign policy and access to a network of future leaders and practitioners committed to American leadership in the world.

There are critical moments in the life of every nation which call for the straightest, the plainest and the most courageous thinking of which we are capable. We confront such a moment now.

Our Team

The Vandenberg Coalition’s team represents former government officials who have worked across multiple presidential administrations and have seen firsthand the critical role American leadership plays in preserving American security.