Beyond the Water's Edge

The Vandenberg Coalition brings you weekly roundups of news media pieces displaying honest candor in the foreign policy space. 

Beyond the Water’s Edge July 17, 2024

The International Criminal Court and the Justice vs. Democracy Problem | Only American Leadership Can Rally NATO to Fight the New Axis of Authoritarian Chaos | Meet Iran’s New Boss, Same as the Old Boss | 2040: The Year Iran Predicts Israel Will Be Destroyed. Now Is the Time to Prepare

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Beyond the Water’s Edge July 10, 2024

The United States and the Venezuelan Election | Donald Trump Should Be the Least of Europe’s Concerns | The Jihadi-Leftist Convergence | The U.S. Must Secure Its Supremacy against China in AI and Cloud Computing | The Madness of Ceasefire

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Beyond the Water’s Edge June 26, 2024

Joe Biden’s Gaza Pier Plan Runs Aground | How the U.S. Can Beat the Kremlin in Moldova | America Must Not Alienate India and Japan as Conservative Democracies | The U.S. Counterweight in Mexico | All Eyes Should Be on Al Jazeera for Being Founded, Funded — and Directed — by Terrorists | Israel and the U.S. Need to Get Tough on Egypt

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Beyond the Water’s Edge June 19, 2024

Joe Biden Has Forgotten What Happened on Oct. 7 — but Israelis Can’t | NATO Must Bolster Front Lines: Summit Comes at Critical Time for Allies like Estonia | China’s War with Taiwan Is Already Underway | The G-7 Summit and Africa’s Infrastructure Gap | A Threat Like No Other: Russia-North Korea Military Cooperation | The Famine Has Been Canceled

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Beyond the Water’s Edge June 12, 2024

We Cannot Repeat the Mistakes of the 1930s | Biden’s Ukraine Mistakes Now Threaten to Punish Taiwan | D-day, 80 Years Later, Contains Lessons for Defending Taiwan | Biden’s Secret Support for Iran: America Is Far from Israel’s Best Friend | UN Secretary General Abuses His Authority | As Hezbollah Escalates Attacks at Iran’s Behest, Israel Must Stop an ‘Unsustainable’ Assault

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Beyond the Water’s Edge June 5, 2024

Putin’s Shadow War against Europe Is Intensifying | Europe Stumbles Toward Escalation With Russia Over Ukraine — Without a Strategy for Victory | Will the United States Boost Maduro in Venezuela’s Election? | Haiti Falls Deeper into Crisis | How Oct. 7 Enabled Iran to Advance Its Nuclear Program | Biden Tries to Take Victory off the Table | Without Africa, Biden’s Energy Policies Are a Win for China

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Beyond the Water’s Edge May 29, 2024

What the Death of Iran’s President Really Means | Unleash the Space Force | Biden Needs to Put Hamas’s American Hostages before Politics | How to Save Universities from Chaos | The Politics of Joe Biden’s Fear | A Theory of Victory for Ukraine

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Beyond the Water’s Edge May 22, 2024

Enough Mediating. America Should Deploy Its Might against Hamas | What a ‘Free Palestine’ Means in Practice | How Hamas Saved Egypt | How the Georgian Government, Once a U.S. Ally, Became an Adversary, against the Wishes of Its Protesting Citizens | The New Rules of Geopolitics in Africa

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Beyond the Water’s Edge May 15, 2024

The U.N.’s ‘Palestine’ Vote: Tinker Bell at Turtle Bay | Clash of Perceptions in Gaza | Biden’s Escalation Fears Have Dangerous Consequences | Unless Ukraine and Its Allies Agree on a Strategy, Peace in Europe Could Be Brokered by the Chinese | Next U.S.-China Chip Battle Will Require More than Export Control | On Israel, Biden Is No Reagan

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Beyond the Water’s Edge May 8, 2024

China Has Crossed Biden’s Red Line on Ukraine | Mexico and the United States Need to Talk About China Now | Crack Down on Anti-Semitic K–12 Curricula | The Next Six Months Will Be Critical for Moldova | The War in Gaza Hasn’t Stopped Israeli-Arab Normalization | With Chinese Warships Anchoring in Cambodia, the U.S. Needs to Respond

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Beyond the Water’s Edge May 1, 2024

Columbia’s War Is about America | The Axis of Upheaval | Economic Security is National Security | Young Adults’ Dependence on TikTok Shows Why They Need Civic Education | Support for Ukraine’s Freedom Strengthens Asia’s Security

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Beyond the Water’s Edge April 24, 2024

As Congress Debates Aid, Russia Is ‘Kidnapping’ Ukrainian Kids | Why You Can’t Be an Iran Hawk and a Russia Dove | The Importance of U.S. Leadership | Trade? What’s That? | How Washington Can Save its Semiconductor Controls on China

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Beyond the Water’s Edge April 17, 2024

A Troubling Milestone Indeed | Iran Attacks on Israel Spur Escalation Concerns | Strategic Rulemaking for Economic Security and Statecraft | The Widening Willpower Gap | Denying Russia’s Only Strategy for Success | China’s Cartographic Antics Signal the Logic of an Expanded Alliance with India

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Beyond the Water’s Edge April 10, 2024

No Substitute for Victory | Hamas’s Casualty Numbers Games | Affirm NATO’s High Performers | NATO’s Future is Churchillian, Not Wilsonian | Biden Is Dreaming It’s like 1918, but Israel Is Fighting Like It’s 1945 | Biden Loses the Plot on Israel | Red Alert in the Sahel | Russians Are Persecuting Ukrainian Baptists, Church Leaders Tell Speaker Johnson

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Beyond the Water’s Edge April 3, 2024

Whatever Happened to Biden’s Iran Policy? | Will Congress Abandon Ukraine? Here’s What’s at Stake in the War against Russia. | The UN Dithers, While Israel Stands Alone | China’s Defense Budget Has Only One Trajectory: Up | A World Full of Missiles | Test Run: Russia and China

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Beyond the Water’s Edge March 27, 2024

Joe Biden Should Not Abandon Maria Corina Machado | America’s Strategic Posture Is Slouching | 5 Highlights of Biden’s Most Recent Military Budget | TikTok’s Threat to America Is in a Category by Itself, It Must Be Heavily Regulated | Khamenei’s Strategy to Dominate the Middle East Will Outlive Him | Israeli-Palestinian Peace Must Reflect Reality | A Transition to War for the Arsenals of Democracies

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Beyond the Water’s Edge March 20, 2024

Dilemmas of Deterrence: The United States’ Smart New Strategy Has Six Daunting Trade-Offs | It’s Not Just a Theory. TikTok’s Ties to Chinese Government Are Dangerous. | The Russian Military Has Bigger Problems In Ukraine Than Lost Tanks | France’s Macron Turns Hawkish on Ukraine After What Amounts to a Brush With Reality | Beijing’s Motivation in China-Taliban Relations | Baltics to Fight Russia From the First Mile

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Beyond the Water’s Edge March 13, 2024

Congress Must Hold Biden Accountable for His Disastrous Haiti Policy | Rebuilding the Arsenal of Democracy | Will China Drive Its Electric Cars in from Mexico? | Hunting Jews: Europe OKs Banning the Practice of Judaism | China, Philippines at a Sea Fight Breaking Point

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Beyond the Water’s Edge February 28, 2024

4 Myths About Ukraine that Might Sound Right But Are Actually Wrong | The ‘Cold War’ as We Know It Is a Myth, Yet Its Underlying Conflict Never Ended | Israel’s Reasonable War Aims and Strategy | China Circumvents U.S. Tariffs by Shipping More Goods via Mexico | Ending the Houthi Threat to Red Sea Shipping | Moscow’s Aggression, Moldova’s Defiance | Give Marines the Sea-Going Tools They Need To Pack a Punch

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Beyond the Water’s Edge February 21, 2024

The U.N. Is Failing Women and the Cause of Human Dignity | The Taiwan Catastrophe | Most of the Money in the ‘Foreign Aid’ Bill Would Stay in the U.S. | A Most Predictable Death | The Shifting Balance of Power in the Black Sea | Worrywurst at the Munich Security Conference

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Beyond the Water’s Edge February 14, 2024

America’s Maritime Policies Need a Reboot | True North: Canadian Politics, the Tory Alternative, and the United States | The Cuban Regime’s Triple Threat | China, Russia & Iran: How U.S. Can Deter and Defeat the Axis of Autocracy | National Review | Asset or Adversary? Qatar Looks Worryingly Like Both to the U.S. | The Empty Sloganeering of a ‘Two-State Solution’ | How the War in Ukraine Shapes Iran’s Strategic Gains and Ambitions

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Beyond the Water’s Edge February 7, 2024

Americans Need Domestic Unity for Effective Foreign Policy | A New Strategy Can Save Ukraine | The Two-State Delusion | Countering Iranian Aggression in Jordan & Beyond | The Only Way to Stop Hamas Is to Stop Iran from Rebuilding It

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Beyond the Water’s Edge January 31, 2024

How America Can Still Cripple TikTok | Biden’s Moment of Truth in Venezuela | It’s Time for a U.S.-Taiwan Free Trade Agreement | A Port Deal Puts the Horn of Africa on the Brink | President Joe Biden’s Got Blood on Hands After Appeasing Iran for Years

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Beyond the Water’s Edge January 24, 2024

Towards Achieving a Better Understanding of the Nation’s Defenses | America’s Incredible Shrinking Navy | Delusional in Davos | Debt Distress on the Road to “Belt and Road” | Bougainville: The U.S. Needs a Proactive Approach Toward the Potential New Country in the Pacific

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Beyond the Water’s Edge January 17, 2024

How Civics Education Can Help Solve the Military Recruitment Crisis | What to Do About Coups | Iran’s Strategy of Proxy Encirclement | Ukraine’s Long-Term Path to Success: Jumpstarting a Self-Sufficient Defense Industrial Base with U.S. and E.U. Support | Six Ways for the U.S. to Put Democracy Back on the Global Agenda in 2024

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Beyond the Water’s Edge January 10, 2024

Netanyahu’s ‘Saudi Bind’ Muddles Planning for ‘The Day After’ | The United States Needs to Play Hardball With Turkey | What to Make of Kim Jong Un’s Latest Threats of War | The Biden Doctrines | Can Republicans Find Consensus on Foreign Policy? | Improving U.S. Disaster Relief at Reduced Risk and Cost

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Beyond the Water’s Edge January 3, 2024

The Peace Processors Return | U.S. Navy Helo Crews Kill Houthi Assault Boat Teams After Red Sea Attack | Avoiding America’s Suez Moment | The Impact of Ending Military Aid to Ukraine: Gradual Decline, Then Collapse | How the U.S. Can Push Back Against Authoritarianism in China and Beyond

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Beyond the Water’s Edge December 20, 2023

The High Price of Losing Ukraine | The U.S. Defense Industrial Base | What’s Wrong With Biden’s Venezuela Policy | Pentagon To Launch ‘Operation Prosperity Guardian’ To Reopen Red Sea Passage | America Needs a Bipartisan Shipbuilding Deal

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Beyond the Water’s Edge December 13, 2023

Congressional Inaction on Defense Budget Weakens Deterrence in Asia | Why We Should be Wary of China’s Pledges of a Fentanyl ‘Crackdown’ | The U.S. Must Use Its Export Controls | The Case for Conservative Internationalism | What the U.S. Must Do to Restart Israel-Saudi Talks | The Shortest Path to Victory in Ukraine Goes Through Crimea

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Beyond the Water’s Edge December 6, 2023

President Biden Must Face Reality: It’s Time to Act vs. Iran | Ukraine Aid’s Best-kept Secret: Most of the Money Stays in the U.S.A. | Stasis is Not Stalemate in the Ukraine War | The United States Must Defend Critical Infrastructure | Save the Military–Industrial Complex | China’s Economic Weakness and Challenge to the Bretton Woods System: How Should the US Respond? | China Enslaves People at Sea and We Don’t Have the Wherewithal to Stop It​

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Beyond the Water’s Edge November 29, 2023

The Importance of Rebuilding the ‘Arsenal of Democracy’ | Will America Lose its Next War? National Defense in a Dangerous Era | How the United Nations Became an Enabler for Terrorism | The Real Reason Iran Hates Israel | Putin’s Alignment In Middle East Should Signal To Israel It’s Time For A Change Of Allegiance | Central Asia Could Be the Graveyard of the Russia-China Alliance | Bolivia’s Descent into Deep Chaos and the Implications for the Region

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Beyond the Water’s Edge November 22, 2023 – Giving Thanks

The Vandenberg Coalition wishes you and your family a Thanksgiving filled
with love, family, and gratitude. Thank you for your continuing support, and
your dedication to the mission of a strong, proud, and principled United
States. This Thanksgiving, we are grateful for precisely these lights—the men and
women around the world, many who receive this very newsletter, who have
shown true moral courage.

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Beyond the Water’s Edge November 15, 2023

Triad Weed: How Chinese Marijuana Grows Took Over Rural Maine | Placating Xi Won’t Change China’s Behavior | Irregular Warfare: Undermining the CCP’s Dangerous and Illegal Activities in the Indo-Pacific | The Fragility of Civilization | Here’s What China’s Foray Into The Middle East Could Mean For Taiwan

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Beyond the Water’s Edge November 8, 2023

Why Do Young Americans Support Hamas? Look at TikTok. | AI Is a National-Security Danger | Why the Philippines is Exiting the Belt and Road | In Israel vs. Hamas, China Backs Iran vs. America | Only the U.S. Can Restore World Order | The Fourteen Facts about US Aid to Ukraine | Iran’s Ever-Expanding Ring of Fire

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Beyond the Water’s Edge November 1, 2023

The U.S. Needs A Special Envoy for Arab-Israeli Normalization | Zero Tolerance for Terrorism & Its Supporters | Blood Money: Stopping the Cash That Underwrites Terror | A Reagan Doctrine for Today | A Pacific Budget Supplemental to Prevent the Next War | The Sinking Submarine Industrial Base | How America Can Beat China In A War

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Beyond the Water’s Edge October 25, 2023

A World Without American Deterrence | The Biden Administration Should Stop Funding America’s Enemies | Has Iran Compromised The Biden Administration? | Why the U.S. Must Break China’s Emerging “String of Pearls” in the Arabian Gulf | The Land That Geopolitics Forgot | Why Sending Ukraine ATACMs Will Help It Win in the Long Term

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Beyond the Water’s Edge October 11, 2023

SPECIAL EDITION: Israel Under Attack | The Hamas Attack Changes Everything | Israel War: Hamas Should No Longer Have a Safe Haven—Anywhere | Hamas Terrorists’ 21st-Century Pogrom | What Comes Next in Gaza | The Yom Kippur War’s Lessons for Ukraine—and Biden | Iran and Its Network of Nineteen Terrorist Organizations on Israel’s Borders

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Beyond the Water’s Edge October 4, 2023

Vandenberg Open Letter to Conservatives in Congress | Ukraine’s War of Drones Runs into an Obstacle: China | Iran Hostage Deal Has Nuclear Implications | Taiwan’s Big Stakes in Washington’s Budget Battles | Weakness is Lethal: Why Putin Invaded Ukraine and How the War Must End | The U.S. Government Should Stockpile More Critical Minerals

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