National Security, Middle East, Europe, Latin America

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Elliott Abrams is the Chairman of the Vandenberg Coalition. He is Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C.

Mr. Abrams was educated at Harvard College, the London School of Economics, and Harvard Law School.  After working on the staffs of Senators Henry M. Jackson and Daniel P. Moynihan, he was an Assistant Secretary of State in the Reagan Administration and headed the International Organizations,  Human Rights, and Latin America bureaus. In 1988, Mr. Abrams received the Secretary of State’s Distinguished Service Award from Secretary George P. Shultz for his work in the Department.

He served as Special Assistant to the President and NSC Senior Director for the Near East and North Africa in the first term of George W. Bush, and as Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor in the second term. In the Trump administration he served in the State Department as Special Representative for Iran and for Venezuela.

Mr. Abrams is a member of the board of the National Endowment for Democracy, and taught U.S. foreign policy at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service until returning to the State Department in 2019.