J Deal
China, Asia

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Jacqueline (Jackie) Deal is co-founder of the American Academy for Strategic Education (AASE), which teaches courses on net assessment, China, and political warfare to early and mid-career national security professionals, and president of the Long Term Strategy Group, which uses open sources to improve the US government’s understanding of our foreign rivals’ ambitions and weaknesses.

She has led multiple Summer Studies for the Office of the Secretary of Defense on topics related to the People’s Liberation Army, and she has testified before the U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission at hearings on PLA modernization; conflict in the South China Sea; Chinese Communist Party political and information warfare; and the CCP’s 100th anniversary and U.S.-China relations.

Her work on the CCP and the PLA has been published in outlets including the Journal of Strategic Studies, National Interest, National Review, and Politico.

Deal co-chairs the Forum for American Leadership’s Asia Working Group. She is also a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute and a contributing editor of Parameters, the journal of the U.S. Army War College.