Middle East, Foreign Policy, Great Power Competition

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John Hannah is a senior fellow at the Jewish Institute for National Security of America. He served in senior foreign policy positions in three US administrations. From 2001-2009, he was a senior foreign policy aide to former Vice President Dick Cheney, serving as the Vice President’s national security advisor from 2005-2009. During the first term of Bill Clinton’s presidency, John was a senior advisor to Secretary of State Warren Christopher. He also served as a senior member of Secretary of State James A. Baker’s Policy Planning Staff in the George H.W. Bush administration. Outside of government, John has been a senior fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy and was senior counselor at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. He has also practiced law, focusing on international dispute resolution.

John received a BA from Duke University, a JD from the Yale Law School, and did graduate work in international relations at Stanford University. John is an expert on US foreign policy with a focus on the Middle East and great power competition.