
The Vandenberg Coalition

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Beyond the Water’s Edge April 24, 2024

As Congress Debates Aid, Russia Is ‘Kidnapping’ Ukrainian Kids | Why You Can’t Be an Iran Hawk and a Russia Dove | The Importance of U.S. Leadership | Trade? What’s That? | How Washington Can Save its Semiconductor Controls on China

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Beyond the Water’s Edge April 17, 2024

A Troubling Milestone Indeed | Iran Attacks on Israel Spur Escalation Concerns | Strategic Rulemaking for Economic Security and Statecraft | The Widening Willpower Gap | Denying Russia’s Only Strategy for Success | China’s Cartographic Antics Signal the Logic of an Expanded Alliance with India

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Beyond the Water’s Edge April 10, 2024

No Substitute for Victory | Hamas’s Casualty Numbers Games | Affirm NATO’s High Performers | NATO’s Future is Churchillian, Not Wilsonian | Biden Is Dreaming It’s like 1918, but Israel Is Fighting Like It’s 1945 | Biden Loses the Plot on Israel | Red Alert in the Sahel | Russians Are Persecuting Ukrainian Baptists, Church Leaders Tell Speaker Johnson

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Beyond the Water’s Edge April 3, 2024

Whatever Happened to Biden’s Iran Policy? | Will Congress Abandon Ukraine? Here’s What’s at Stake in the War against Russia. | The UN Dithers, While Israel Stands Alone | China’s Defense Budget Has Only One Trajectory: Up | A World Full of Missiles | Test Run: Russia and China

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