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The Vandenberg Coalition

Honest Candor

Senator Vandenberg called for “honest candor” in discussions on U.S. foreign policy. The Vandenberg Coalition is proud to continue this tradition by sharing the best analysis from across the country and around the world.

Future of Conservative Foreign Policy

Future of Conservative Foreign Policy with Senator Tom Cotton

The Vandenberg Coalition kicked off Season Two of its Future of Conservative Foreign Policy Series with a conversation with U.S. Senator Tom Cotton to discuss his vision for American foreign policy & national security, what he expects from the incoming 118th Congress, his new book ‘Only the Strong’, and more.

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Beyond the Water’s Edge Special Edition: Biden’s NSS | October 19, 2022

What Grade Does Biden’s National Security Strategy Get? | Biden’s Rather Rhetorical National Strategy | Why Biden’s National Security Strategy is Destined to Fail | Biden’s New National Security Strategy: A Lot of Trump, Very Little Obama | In U.S. Security Strategy, China ‘Only Competitor’, India Key Partner | Towards a Biden Doctrine: U.S. National Interest or Global Commitment

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Beyond the Water’s Edge October 12, 2022

Troubled Bridge Over Stolen Waters | Who Will Control the Black Sea? | The West Should Welcome the Middle Corridor | Death, Corruption, and Despair: The Darien Hell that Thousands of Venezuelans Cross Every Day to Reach the U.S. | Offshore Balancing: The British Analogy

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Beyond the Water’s Edge October 5, 2022

The Women Burning Hijabs Want the Iranian Regime to Fall. Does Joe Biden? | How Iran’s Protests Differ from Past Movements | On Ukraine | Why Arming America’s Allies is America’s Smartest, Safest Strategy | The American Public Thinks It’s Time to End China’s Permanent Normal Trade Relations Status | Why Beijing is Allegedly Opening Police Stations on Canadian Soil

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